Sponsors San Diego State University MBA Student Team

Through connection facilitated by the Southern California Energy Innovation Network (SCEIN), CanCoverIt was proud to sponsor a San Diego State MBA student final project. This class is called MBA 795 and has a rich lineage at the SDSU Fowler School of Business hosting luminary companies both large and small.

Our project focused on identifying the wider market for CanCoverIt and exploring strategies to get through to new customers who could benefit from CanCoverIt product solutions.

The team consisted of five extremely talented MBA students under the supervision of Professor Gabriel R. Gonzalez

The full SDSU MBA 795 team, from the left Michael Stucky, Dara Majdi, John Hanacek (CanCoverIt president), David Hanacek (CanCoverIt inventor & founder), Christopher King, Luke Radcliffe and Noppasin Benyadilok.


Customer Journey Then and Moving Forward

Their report helped CanCoverIt see more clearly what motivates our existing customers, and what we can do to further expand the knowledge of need for CanCoverIt and availability to purchase product.

Framing the analysis, the MBA student team writes:

CanCoverIt faces several challenges as an upstart in an entrenched industry where proper attic insulation best practices are unknown or unfamiliar to both contractors as well as end consumers.

The current market demonstrates a lack of awareness and understanding of CanCoverIt’s product advantages in comparison to competing products in the marketplace.

Identifying numerous solutions to improve the awareness and enhance CanCoverIt’s overall presence and ability to reach potential customers.

It was a great experience with brilliant young students who prepared a very comprehensive report. The SDSU MBA 795 program is a stellar opportunity to work with professional students on real problems.

Of note, their survey results show a fascinating picture that you existing customers will likely relate to.

We look forward to implementing their ideas and further expanding the reach of CanCoverIt awareness and product availability.

Explore More CanCoverIt Research:

Posted on May 3, 2019 and filed under Business.