Profile in Excellence - Calnan Energy

Calnan's two Sons install out in the field.

Calnan's two Sons install out in the field.

Rob is a long time CanCoverIt Pro and is known in the greater Boston, MA area as delivering the best results. He’s been in business since 1980, over 30 years, delivering quality results to all his customers, his reviews are a treat to behold and highlight why he is a Profile in Excellence.

“This business excites the hell out of me.” Rob exclaims, “I love energy conservation. I love solving problems. I love working in older homes and making them better. Finding CanCoverIt has been amazing for me.”

“Before I was building boxes. Then I found CanCoverIt, and all of a sudden my total cost to cover fixtures dropped like a rock. I got a better result without adding cost, actually save myself money in labor, and it is just plain easier to do. Now I’m able to cover all cans. Makes my life so easy and delivers a better result than doing custom boxes.”

“It travels well, it even comes shipped in a nice heavy box. Folds flat and pops open when you install it. You can cut the product with a knife or scissors. It’s been a long time since something has come along that is as good and easy to use as CanCoverIt. CanCoverIt is the best and fastest solution to a common problem.

Recently Rob had just finished a job for a church in the Boston area, which was first built in the 1700s.

The job he was called in on was one which had previously been serviced because their staff was experiencing terrible comfort, and bad energy usage. After the previous contractors finished their work, the church staff there were still suffering from the same problems. So, they called in Rob the expert and he found that the previous job had used the wrong product and installed it in a very sub-par way.

“This job is an example of what the quality guys are battling against. They had old non-IC rated can-lights in the church but still used a non-vented product. Then they foamed the hell out of the already non-venting product. Stuck those rockwool covers over them and framed it. Stuck coil around. Then blew cellulose over the whole thing."

Before Calnan's Work: Improper practice creates dangerous and ineffective conditions.

“It took two of my guys 44 man hours to remove the bad work, clean out the insulation and install the right covers. For this job we vented the covers since the lights were non-IC and foamed all the cord passthrough cuts we made in the product. Now the church is doing great, better comfort, much better performance. Don’t skimp on your job! Do it right."

After Calnan's work: previous work removed and replaced with clean, effective solutions. Will make any future service needs to fixtures easy, and delivers effective airsealing as opposed to porous rockwool covers.

Rob is no stranger to vocalizing the way his expertise sees it needing to go and calling out those in the landscape that he sees aren’t doing the right work. He is noticing a race to the bottom of price, which is creating havoc for the industry, and especially home owners.

“I’m less concerned with cost and focus more on results, which in truth is the lower cost. People think they’re smart when they go for the low-cost job, but then they have to fix it later. Just do it right from the start. That’s how I’ve been in business for over thirty years when other contractors come and go.”

Overall, Rob emphasizes doing the job right as the more cost-effective solution. He is a vocal critic of bottom-line practices and insists on explaining value to homeowners, which has been working for him for over 30 years.

Mainly, it was great to hear Rob’s positive feelings about his work with CanCoverIt.

He has integrated CanCoverIt into his workflow so deeply that not having them becomes an issue. We now have much more production capacity to ensure Pros like Rob keep having access to this essential product.

“Without CanCoverIt I can’t do my full job. I’m not about to go back to the other options for covering fixtures, they don’t work and take forever.”

“I use the product all the time. Your product is so easy to use I put them over everything. Even the scraps are valuable to me since it’s a high-quality material that the covers are made of. They vent if we need to, so I can use them on everything. Plus [the Universal Series] is tall enough that I can cut them down to my own height if I need to. They morph to anything.”

“When we have conventional attic work, without exception all fixtures are covered with CanCoverIt. Not doing it is not even an option. It’s so easy, it’s a crime not to put them in. CanCoverIt is so easy a monkey could install one of these things.

When asked if Rob plans to keep buying CanCoverIt into the future he had a simple response:

“You better believe I want CanCoverIt, that’s money in the bank for me!”

Thanks to Rob Calnan for speaking with us, and for doing such quality work.

If you are in the Waltham and greater Boston, MA area, hire Calnan Energy for your home improvement needs. Use our Hire A Pro page to find their info, and check out for more.

If you are a pro using CanCoverIt send over an email to with a quick explanation about how you use CanCoverit to get an interview going for a feature in Profiles in Excellence!


Posted on April 19, 2018 .